Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Porn Industry Stimulus

Politico reports this morning on Chuck Grassley's probe into the National Science Foundation's addiction to porn on the job.

In one particularly egregious case, the report says one NSF “senior official” was discovered to have spent as much as 20 percent of his working hours over a two-year interval “viewing sexually explicit images and engaging in sexually explicit online ‘chats’ with various women.”
Politico doesn't talk about whether or not these people were fired, but hey, they're government employees, so I doubt it. They're probably getting tax-payer funded therapy or something.

Just for kicks, Obama's Stimulus Package © is providing $3 billion to the NSF. At a 20% clip, that's $600 million going towards porn.

Looks like Larry Flynt and Joe Francis are going to get their bailout after all!


  1. good lord. Who pays for porn!? I mean really. Could we maybe throw a million or two of that package to teach these poor shmucks how to torrent, or look up a FREE streaming site?
    off the top of my head I can think of:
    If anything, they should be fired for lacking decent fiscal sense.

  2. You mistakenly presuppose that anyone in the government understands the concept of "free."

    Aside from that, I might also suggest
