Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Stimulus Deja Vu

JWF points us to a few of the more comical items the "stimulus" is paying for. My favorites are these three:

1. $500,000 for Homelessness Prevention in the town of Union, NY.
- Union, NY does not have a single homeless person.

2. $2.2 million for Skylights to be Installed in a state-run liquor warehouse
in Montana

3. $3.4 million to build a "turtle crosswalk" in Lake Jackson, FL

So far be it from me to toot my own horn about how the stimulus was a gigantic waste, but I sure did write a hell of a lot about how it wasn't going to work, and how not much of the spending was going to go to useful work.

I may not be Paul Krugman writing a prescription for the housing bubble in 2002, but seeing the facts bear out my own thoughts is somewhat satisfying.

If only it weren't so horribly sad.

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