Monday, November 8, 2010

Boehner Mans Up

Well it looks today like John Boehner is starting things off by making himself a man of his word, and over the highly important issue of the raising the debt-limit ceiling, at that.

About a month ago I noted that John Boehner, anticipating the Republican wave, and making his own power play of sorts for Speaker of the House, had either stepped in it, or stepped up, in a speech to the American Enterprise Institute, where he outlined the following:
I propose today a different approach. Let's do away with the concept of "comprehensive" spending bills. Let's break them up, to encourage scrutiny, and make spending cuts easier. Rather than pairing agencies and departments together, let them come to the House floor individually, to be judged on their own merit. Members shouldn't have to vote for big spending increases at the Labor Department in order to fund Health and Human Services. Members shouldn't have to vote for big increases at the Commerce Department just because they support NASA. Each Department and agency should justify itself each year to the full House and Senate, and be judged on its own.
I said a month ago that he had either really stepped up, or stepped in it, simply because this is a different kind of day and age in politics.  People are awake, their eyes are open, and they are watching everything.  I said then that "Boehner has got to realize that if they don't act on what he laid out, the retribution will be as swift and as forceful as has been the anti-Democrat wave over the past two years."

It looks like, for the immediate future anyway, we can expect him to act as he says, as he has thrown his stones on the chopping block.
The House Republican leader, Rep. John A. Boehner of Ohio, will give lawmakers a chance for a direct vote on raising the debt limit, spokesman Michael Steel told the Washington Times.
That would be a break with the recent tactic of burying the debt limit increase in parliamentary maneuvers — a way to shield vulnerable lawmakers from having to take the unpopular vote — and would instantly give leverage to those in Congress hoping to impose immediate spending cuts.
Ed Morrissey at the link at HotAir points out that Pelosi has the chance in the lame duck session to take a suicidal position for Democrats and attach a debt ceiling increase to the lame duck budget.  Nevertheless, Boehner has thrown down the gauntlet, and has followed through on what he said he would do, issuing legislation one item at a time, each item to be voted upon on its own merits, rather than forced through by tying unpopular nonsense to other "must pass" items.

It's a good start, and let's hope it continues!

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